General medicine assignment


60 Kanumilli kundana (3 rd sem)


I have been given the following assignment in an attempt to read,comprehend,analyze,reflect upon and discuss captured patient centered data.

This is the link of questions given to me regarding cases:

below are the answers to the medicine assignment based on my comprehensive of cases.

Q1) Pulmonology case



  • Timespan of patients symptomology was described accordingly
  • Anatomical location and primary etiology of disease was very specific
  • drug action of medicines were explained clearly
  • even electrolyte imbalance is included
Q2)Neurology case-2A



  • Communication between neurotransmitters was explained greatly
  • pharmalogical investigations were included clearly
  • Thiamine physiology in patient was given clearly
  • interlinking to anemia is also explained


  • Explained risk factors of heart failure
  • gun shot answers were given to respective questions which are student friendly
  • It  is easy to understand a case for UG student
Q4)Gastroenterology case
  • Timeline of symptoms was brief
  • efficacy of drugs and non pharmacological effects also well explained
  • The case was explained clearly
  • Complications of TURP were given
Q6)Infectious diseases-(Mucormycosis, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Neurology) 
  • the case was presented well
  • symptomology of events were given orderly
  • pharmological efficacy is well described
Q7)Neurology case-2
  • Anatomical localisation was explained clearly with picture
  • Etiology was explained by diagram
  • Patients condition was also interlinked with alcohol
Q8)Cardiology case-C
  • the case was well presented with all the required details
  • everything was consised in flow charts 
Q9)Neurology case-2E
  • The case was presented very briefly
  • direct answers were given to respective questions
Q10) Neurology case


  • Few tests related to CNS were described
  • the case was presented according to questions


 It is a case of  45 year old male patient on chronic kidney disease. He has compliants of altered sensorium ,fever ,pedal edema  , anasarca with shortness of breath .He is asymptomatic 5 years back then he complained of lower back pain and neck pain and have creatinine level of 3mg/dl. He has history of GRBS:206mg/dl,PR:79beats/min ,BP:-120/70 mmHg , SpO2 : 97% on RA. His appetite is normal , mixed diet ,adequate sleep , regular bowel, normal micturition.

    Both systemic and general examination were done .Urine examination ,CBP,HIV test ,ultra sound were taken . Hypertensive refers to increase in blood pressure and nephropathy means damage to kidney .By the given case we can say that high blood pressure causes damage to kidney tissues and results in damage of renal vessels ,glomeruli and kidney tubules .
  This leads to glomerular ischemia ,glomerular hypertension and hyper filtration. As the glomeruli of nephrons constrict due to hypertension there is compensatory mechanism of other nephrons which vasodilate to increase blood flow to kidney perfussion and increase glomerular filtration across undamaged glomeruli.



  • ECG was taken to detect defects in cardiac cycle to look for left ventricular hypertrophy
  • Ultra scan was taken to check the sizeof kidney, it got shrunken as the vessels constrict which lead to decrease in kidney size
  • CBP has taken to check the concentration of blood protein which may pass along glomeruli when the endothelium was damaged leading to decrease in osmotic pressure 
  • Urine test has taken to check whether there is passage of any abnormal urine constituents like albumin, haemoglobin, blood cells leading to proteinuria, haemogloniuria  and other abnormalities.
  • There may be even irregular urea concentretions in urea and blood due to damage to filtration membrane
  • By these investigations we can diagnose the patients problem ad we can find the treatment

 As we entered our 3rd semester  we were having clinical classes along with the regular theory classes virtually. Actually we are more interested to live clinical classes rather than these online classes due to pandemic we are awaiting for one to one interaction with patients. Till now I don't have any experience of interaction with the patients. I am eagerly waiting for live sessions with patients .so that we can improve our clinical skills accordingly .we can learn much more practically by interacting with our lecturers and patients then only with theory classes.

    But by virtual classes we can see the patient and understand the condition of patients with the help of our lecturers and interns. They are helping us atmost to interact with patient virtually. We greatly appreciate our lecturers for giving us this opportunity and we make great improvement from our side to improve our clinical skills . 


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