
Showing posts from March, 2022

general medicine internal assessment -1


69 year old male with itching and pedal oedema

​ 69 years old male with compliants of itching and pedal oedema 69 year old male , previously a farmer by occupation,came to hospital with chief complaints - •itching all over the body  •pedal oedema •burning micturition  History of present illness Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days back , he suddenly developed itching all over his body while doing his work in fields, he observed oedema of his grafted leg a year ago and he is having severe itching at the grafted site .He is having burning micturition along with decreased urine output and nocturia. History of past illness No history of Diabetes, Hypertension,Asthma, TB He had oedema of his right leg a year ago , he dad graft surgery which is healing now. Personal history  Diet:mixed Appetite:decreased since 15 days Sleep:inadequate  Bowel: regular Bladder:irregular Urine output:reduced since 15 days Addictions: no addictions Family history  Not significant  Vitals Blood pressure-120/60mm Hg Pulse rate-82 bpm Temperature- Afebri